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CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 Apply Online

CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 Apply Online, CISF Recruitment 2025 Constable, Driver Posts

CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 Apply Online, CISF Recruitment 2025 Constable, Driver Posts for 1124 Vacancies Apply Now CISF Constable Recruitment 2025 Notification Constable Tradesman Recruitment Notification Out; Apply Online cisf recruitment 2025 notification cisf recruitment 2025 notification pdf cisf Driver recruitment 2025 cisf recruitment 2025 apply online cisf driver recruitment 2025 syllabus cisf Constable recruitment 2025 notification pdf CISF Recruitment 2025 Notification Released for 1124 Vacancies for Constable Driver Posts Eligibility, Vacancies, Online Application cisf Driver recruitment 2025 pdf download cisf Driver recruitment 2025 last date cisf Driver recruitment 2025 syllabus cisf Driver recruitment 2025 age limit itbp Driver recruitment 2025 cisf recruitment 2025 official website cisf Driver recruitment 2025


Date of submission of online applications : 03/02/2025to 04/03/2025

Closing date : 04/03/2025 (upto 2359 Hrs)

Online Applications are invited from eligible Male Indian citizens for filling up the temporary posts of Constables/Driver & Constables/Driver-Cum-Pump-Operator (Driver for Fire Services) in Central Industrial Security Force in the Pay Level-3 in pay Matrix (Rs.21,700 - 69,100/-) plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government employees from time to time. On their appointment, they shall be governed under CISF Act and Rules as well as Central Civil Services Rules applicable to other members of the Force from time to time. They shall be entitled for the pensionary benefits as per the “Defined Contributory Pension system known as the National Pension System” applicable to all employees joining service of Central Government on or after 1st January 2004. The salient features of the recruitment are as under :-

  • The candidates should submit only one application and they will be eligible for both Constable/Driver and Constable/DCPO. The candidate will give their 1st and 2nd preference for Constable/Driver and Constable/DCPO or vice-versa. The choice given at the time of submitting application will be final.
  • Applications will be accepted through “Online” mode
  • Recruitment process consist Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST)/Documentation/ Trade Test/ Written Examination/ Medical Examination which will be scheduled and conducted.
  • Written Examination under OMR / Computer Based Test (CBT) mode will be conducted only in English and Hindi languages.
  • Verification of required eligibility certificates/ documents with the originals will be carried out at the time of PET/PST, Documentation & Trade Test.
  • The recruitment will be conducted on all India basis.
  • Final result will be declared based on the performance of candidates in the Written Examination subject to their qualifying the Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Documentation, Trade Test, Detailed Medical Examination, and other conditions stipulated in this Notification.
  • Admit Card for any stage of examination will not be sent by post. Facility for downloading Admit Cards will be provided at the CISF Recruitment website https://cisfrectt.cisf.gov.in. Candidates are advised to regularly visit the website for the updates on examination process and download Admit Cards for each stage of examination.
  • Issuance of Admit Card for any stage of recruitment shall not be construed final selection for the post.
  • As per instructions issued by GoI from time to time, 10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen. If suitable ESM candidates are not available, vacancies reserved for ESM will be filled up by candidates of non-ESM i.e. Direct category.
  • Cut-off date for determining the eligibility of the candidate e. Age/Educational Qualification/Caste Certificate/License etc. will be the closing date of submission of application i.e. 04/03/2025.
Nationality/ Citizenship : Candidate must be a citizen of India

Vacancies : Category wise vacancies of Constable/Driver and Constable/DCPO-2024 are as under :-



Name of post
















10% of [F]

Constable/Driver – Direct








Constable/(Driver -Cum -Pump -Operator) (i.e. Driver for fire services) –Direct
















  • The number of vacancies given above are tentative and may increase or decrease at any time/stage of recruitment process, due to administrative The revisions in vacancies, if any, will be notified at any stage prior to declaration of Final Result by displaying the same on CISF recruitment website i.e. https://cisfrectt.cisf.gov.in.
  • The posts are combatised and purely temporary in nature but likely to become
  • Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in Indian Territory and abroad.
  • Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/ESM categories is available as per extant Government orders.
  • While filling up online Application Form, candidates must ensure to fill the correct details of Identity proof documents (i.e. AADHAAR Number, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Identity Card issued by University/College or Income Tax PAN Card Number) correctly in their The same will be produced at the examination centre during each event. Further, bio-metric data of candidates will be recorded during the 1st stage of recruitment and will be utilized during subsequent stages of recruitment for verifying their identity.
  • Candidates should bring their all educational/Driving License/caste certificate and other testimonials in original at the time of PST/PET, Documentation & Trade Test for proper checking/scrutiny. If any candidate fails to produce any requisite document in support of his eligibility, his candidature will be rejected straightaway and no appeal will be accepted against his rejection for conducting documentation on any other day and they will not be allowed to participate in further process of recruitment.
  • Caste certificates having the following details in respect of reserved category candidates may be accepted as per prescribed proforma and the candidates may be allowed to continue in recruitment process against vacancy of respective reserved category :-
  1. Name of candidate, Father’s name, locality/village/town from where they
  2. Certificate issued by the appropriate/prescribed
  3. Authority of of India resolution is correctly mentioned in caste certificate which justifies that claim of individual against reserved category is genuine.
  4. Caste as mentioned in the caste certificate of the individual is included in the central list as notified by Central Government for that category.
Eligibility Criteria :

Age Criteria :
  • Between 21 to 27 years. The crucial cut-off date for determining age limit will be the closing date for receipt of online application from the candidates e. 04/03/2025.
  • The upper age limit is also relaxable to Government Servants including serving CISF personnel in the rank of Constable (GD), Constable (Fire) and Constable (Tradesmen), upto 40 years in the case of General, EWS and OBC candidates and 45 years in the case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates, provided they have rendered minimum 03 years continuous service, completed their probation period satisfactorily, maintained a punishment free record and have minimum annual grading of above “Average” during the entire service.
  • Upper Age limit upto 5 years is also relaxable further to the children and dependents of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots and communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat.

Children means (a) son (including adopted son) or (b) daughter (including adopted daughter) Dependent family member means (a) spouse or (b) children or (c) brother or sister in the case of unmarried victim who was wholly dependent on that victim at the time of his getting killed in the riots would be eligible.

 Note :-

  1. This advertisement pertains to recruitment of Constable/Driver & Constable/DCPO for male candidates, therefore, only male children and male dependents of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots and communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat will be considered.
  2. In order to be eligible for upper age relaxation in this category, the applicant should produce a certificate to that effect from the concerned District Collector/District Magistrate wherein the victim was killed.
  3. In addition to the above, upper age is further relaxable by 5 years in respect of SC/ST and 03 years in respect of OBC candidates as per Govt orders issued from time to time.
Disqualification :
  1. No person, (a) who has entered into, or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living, or (b) who, having a spouse living has entered into, or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eligible for appointment to the service provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.
  2. Dismissal from service.

CISF Constable: సీఐఎస్ఎఫ్ 1124 కానిస్టేబుల్/ డ్రైవర్ పోస్టుల భర్తీకి నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల.

కేంద్ర హోం మంత్రిత్వశాఖ ఆధ్వర్యంలోని సెంట్రల్ ఇండస్ట్రియల్ సెక్యూరిటీ ఫోర్స్ (సీఐఎస్ఎఫ్) దేశవ్యాప్తంగా వివిధ సెక్టార్ల వారీగా పారిశ్రామిక యూనిట్లకు రక్షణ కల్పిస్తోంది. డైరెక్ట్ రియూనిట్లకు రక్షణ నిమిత్తం డైరెక్ట్ రిక్రూట్మెంట్ ప్రాతిపదికన సీఐఎస్ఎఫ్ 1124 కానిస్టేబుల్/ డ్రైవర్ కమ్ పంప్ ఆపరేటర్ పోస్టుల భర్తీకి దరఖాస్తులు కోరుతోంది. అర్హులైన పురుష అభ్యర్థులు మెట్రిక్యూలేషన్/ టెన్త్ అర్హతతో ఆన్లైన్లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.

ఖాళీల వివరాలు:

కానిస్టేబుల్/ డ్రైవర్: 845 పోస్టులు (యూఆర్- 344, ఈడబ్ల్యూఎస్- 84, ఎస్సీ- 126, 2- 63, 4໖໖- 228)

కానిస్టేబుల్/డ్రైవర్-కమ్-పంప్- ఆపరేటర్(DCPO) (డ్రైవర్ ఫర్ ఫైర్ సర్వీస్)- 279 పోస్టులు (యూఆర్- 116, ఈడబ్ల్యూఎస్- 27, 2- 41, 2- 20, 2໖໖- 75)

మొత్తం పోస్టుల సంఖ్య: 1124

అర్హత: మెట్రిక్యులేషన్ లేదా తత్సమాన విద్యార్హతలతో పాటు, డ్రైవింగ్ లైసెన్స్ డ్రైవింగ్ అనుభవం తప్పనిసరి.

వయోపరిమితి: 04.03.2025 నాటికి 21 నుంచి 27 ఏళ్ల మధ్య ఉండాలి.

శారీరక ప్రమాణాలు: ఎత్తు కనీసం 167 సెం.మీ., ఛాతీ 80-85 సెం.మీ. ఉండాలి.

జీత భత్యాలు : నెలకు రూ.21,700- రూ.69,100.

రిక్రూట్మెంట్ ప్రక్రియ: ఫిజికల్ స్టాండర్డ్స్ టెస్ట్ (PST), ఫిజికల్ ఎఫిషియెన్సీ టెస్ట్ (PET), డాక్యుమెంట్ వెరిఫికేషన్, ట్రేడ్ టెస్ట్, రాత పరీక్ష (OMR/ CBT), డిటైల్డ్ మెడికల్ ఎగ్జామినేషన్, రివ్యూ మెడికల్ ఎగ్జామినేషన్ ఆధారంగా.

దరఖాస్తు రుసుము: రూ.100. (ఎస్సీ, ఎస్టీ, ఈఎస్ఎం అభ్యర్థులు దరఖాస్తు రుసుము చెల్లింపు నుంచి మినహాయింపు ఉంటుంది).

ముఖ్య తేదీలు:

ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు ప్రారంభం: 03/02/2025.

ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తుల సమర్పణకు చివరి తేదీ: 04/03/2025.


  • సీఐఎస్ఎఫ్ 1124 కానిస్టేబుల్/ డ్రైవర్ కమ్ పంప్ ఆప్డేటర్ పోస్టుల భర్తీకి దరఖాస్తులు కోరుతోంది.
  • మెట్రిక్యూలేషన్/ టెన్త్ అర్హతతో పురుష అభ్యర్థులు ఆన్లైన్లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.
Educational Qualification :
  • The candidate should have passed Matriculation or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
  • Educational certificate other than State Board/Central Board should be accompanied with Government of India notification declaring that such qualification is equivalent to Matriculation/10th class pass for service under Central Government.
Driving License :

The candidate should have a valid driving License in the following type of vehicles :-
  • Heavy Motor Vehicle or Transport Vehicle;
  • Light Motor Vehicle;
  • Motor cycle with gear;
 Attention is drawn to the following clause in the Motor Vehicle Act 1988,

Section (4) Age limit in connection with Driving of Motor Vehicles

  1. No person under the age of 18 years shall drive a Motor Vehicle in any public place.
  2. No person under the age of 20 years shall drive a Transport Vehicle in any public place.

Section (7) Restrictions on the granting of Learners License for certain Vehicles

  1. No person shall be granted a learners License to drive a Transport Vehicle unless he has held a driving License to drive a Light Motor Vehicle for at least 01 year.

 Note :

  1. Unless the above provisions of Motor Vehicle Act are complied in the documents (Driving License) submitted by the candidates, the Driving License will be treated as invalid as per Motor Vehicle Act and the candidature will be rejected.
  2. However, in case the date of issue of License in different category is same or not mentioned in License, in this regard, such candidate are required to produce a certificate issued from concerned Regional Transport Office (RTO) that License issued to the individual is valid duly mentioning the date of issue of License in each category.
Physical Standards : 







For General, EWS, SC and OBC candidates (Except those in (b) below)




Minimum 80 Cms with minimum expansion  of  05

CMs i.e. 80 - 85


Relaxed standards ;











Minimum 78 Cms with minimum expansion  of  05

CMs i.e. 78-83



in respect of persons falling in the categories of Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gorkhas**, Dogras, Marathas subject to production of certificate as per Appendix-‘D’ and



candidates belonging to the States of Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir subject  to  production  of  either  domicile Certificate or Certificate as per Appendix-‘D’.


** Candidates hailing from Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) comprising of the three Sub-Divisions of Darjeeling District namely Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong and includes the following “Mouzas” Sub-Division of these Districts:

(1) Lohagarh Tea Garden (2) Lohagarh Forest (3) Rangmohan (4) Barachenga (5) Panighata (6) Chota Adalpur (7) Paharu (8) Sukna Forest (9) Sukna Part-I (10) Pantapati Forest-I (11) Mahanadi Forest (12) Champasari Forest (13) Salibari Chhat Part-II (14) Sitong Forest (15) Sivoke Hill Forest (16) Sivoke Forest (17) Chhota Chenga (18) Nipania


The above standards [Para 5.5 (b) (i) & (ii)] will be applicable for all categories

i.e. General, SC, OBC& EWS


All candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes.

160 Cms

Minimum 76 Cms with minimum expansion  of  05

CMs i.e. 76 - 81


NOTE: ESM candidates are eligible for total relaxation in physical standards.

However their physical standard will be measured and recorded in Document.

Application Fee :
  • Application fee @ Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) from UR, EWS and OBC candidates will be charged. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/ESM eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.
  • Fee can be paid online through Net Banking by using Credit or Debit or Rupay cards and UPI or through cash in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. Fee paid by modes other than as stated above, will not be accepted.
  • Online Fee can be paid by the candidates up to 04/03/2025 (2359 Hrs). However, candidates who wish to make the cash payment through challan of SBI, may make the payment in cash at the Branches of SBI within the working hours of the bank up to 06/03/2025 provided the challan has been generated by them before 04/03/2025 (2359 Hrs).
  • Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.
  • Tariff/Taxes charges will be borne by the candidate in addition to fees as applicable by Bank.

Medical Standards: -The shortlisted candidates will be medically examined by the Medical Boards to assess their physical and medical fitness. The medical examination of the candidates will be conducted in terms of Uniform Guidelines for recruitment Medical Examination for GOs and NGOs in CAPFs and ARs issued vide MHA UO No.A.VI-1/2014-Rectt(SSB) dated 20.05.2015 and MHA OM No.E-32012/ADG(Med)/ DME & RME/DA-1/2020(Part File)/1166 dated 31.05.2021 and other instructions issued by the Government from time to time to assess their physical and medical fitness. He shall fulfil the medical standards as elucidated therein.

The candidate must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes and they should possess high colour vision. He/she must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties.

Eye sight: Minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of two eyes without correction i.e. without wearing of glasses.

Application Fee payable: Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only).

Female candidates and those candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of application fee.

Fee can be paid online through Net Banking, by using Credit or Debit or Rupay cards and UPI or through cash in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan. Fee paid by modes other than as stated above, will not be accepted.

Online fee can be paid by the candidates up to 04/03/2025 (23:59 hours). However, candidates who wish to make the cash payment through challan of SBI, may make the payment in cash at the Branches of SBI within the working hours of the bank upto 06/03/2025 provided the challan has been generated by them before 04/03/2025 (23:59 hours).

How to apply CISF Constable Tradesman Recruitment 2024 :-

Applications must be submitted in online mode at the official website of CISF i.e. www.cisfrectt.in . For detailed instructions, please refer to Annexure-I of this Notification.

CISF Constable Driver Recruitment 2025 Important Links:

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CISF Constable Driver Notification 2025 Download