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RRB Group D Recruitment 2025 Notification Apply Online

RRB Group D Recruitment 2025 Notification Apply Online for 32438 Vacancy official Website RRB Group D Recruitment 2024 Notification out for 32000 Post

RRB Group D Recruitment 2025 Notification Apply Online for 32438 Vacancy official Website RRB Group D Recruitment 2024 Notification out for 32438 Post, Apply Start From 23.01.2025, Eligibility, Age Limit, Vacancies Details Railway RRC Group D Level-1 CEN No. 08/2024 Recruitment Online Form 2025


RRB Group D Recruitment 2025 IMPORTANT DATES & TIMES


Date of Indicative Notice


Date of Publication


Opening date & time of online registration of Applications

23.01.2025 (00:00 Hrs)

Closing date & time for online submission of Applications

22.02.2025 (23:59 Hrs)

Date for Application fee payment after closing date i.e. 22.02.2025

(23:59 hrs)

23.02.2025 to 24.02.2025

(23:59 Hrs)

Date & time for Modification window for corrections in application form with payment of modification fee.

(Please Note: Details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form and

‘Chosen Railway’ cannot be modified)

25.02.2025 to 06.03.2025

(23:59 Hrs)


  1. Detailed CEN-08/2024 will be uploaded and the Link for submission of online application will be live on the official websites of the RRBs listed at para 21.0 (A) of this CEN.
  2. Date for CBT and result of CBT will be uploaded on the official websites of the RRBs listed at para 0 (A) of this CEN.
  3. Dates for PET, Document Verification, Medical Examination and Empanelment shall be intimated from time to time through the websites of Railway Recruitment Cells (RRCs) listed at para 21.0 (B) of this CEN. ONLINE applications are invited by RRBs on behalf of RRCs from eligible Indian Nationals and other nationals as brought out at Para 4 of this CEN for various posts in Level 1 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix in various units of Indian Applications complete in all respect should be submitted ONLINE to the chosen Railway Recruitment Board till 23.59 hrs of 22.02.2025.


The summary of vacancies for various posts is furnished below for reference. Further, the parameters (Qualification, Medical standard and Suitability of the post for PwBD etc.) of various posts included in the CEN are at Annexure A and the Railway and post wise vacancy for all the notified posts is at Annexure B. However, Railway reserves the right to revise these vacancies in part or full.



Initial pay (Rs.)

Medical Standard

Age (as on 01.01.2025)*

Total Vacancies

Various Posts in Level 1 of

7th CPC Pay Matrix


As per Annexure A

18-36 Years


Railway Zone-wise detailed distribution of vacancies is given in Annexure B.

Vacancies under CCAA are applicable to Apprentices trained in Railway Establishments only.


* To provide relief to many candidates who may have exceeded the age limit and missed the opportunity to participate in Railway recruitment due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been decided to grant a one-time age relaxation of 3 years beyond the prescribed upper age limit.

Note: Reservations for SC, ST, OBC (Non-Creamy Layer), EWS, PwBD, ExSM and relaxations in age for various eligible categories will be applicable as per details contained in this CEN.



  • Candidates should ensure that they possess/fulfill all eligibility conditions prescribed for the post(s) as on the closing date of submission of online application e. as on 22.02.2025. CANDIDATES WAITING FOR FINAL RESULTS OF PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION WHOSE FINAL RESULTS WILL BE DECLARED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE OF ONLINE SUBMISSION OF APPLICCATION SHOULD NOT APPLY. [Attention is drawn to Act “THE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS” (PREVENTION OF UNFAIR MEANS) BILL, 2024 effective from 21.06.2024, available on sansad.in>legislation>bills and Gazette of India also available on dopt.gov.in/whats-new]
  • Before filling up of the online application, candidates are advised to thoroughly read the entire instructions and information in the CEN contained in this notification and available on the websites of RRBs.
  • Candidates are advised to visit only official websites of the RRBs/RRCs indicated at Para 0 (A & B) of this CEN and be very cautious about fake websites and job racketeers. Date for CBT and result of CBT will be uploaded on the official websites of the RRBs mentioned at para 21.0 (A) of this CEN. Dates for PET, Document Verification, Medical Examination and Empanelment shall be intimated from time to time through the websites of RRCs as listed at para 21.0 (B) of this CEN.
  • Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active personal email ID and keep them active for the entire duration of recruitment as RRBs/RRCs shall send recruitment related communications only through SMS and email till the recruitment is completely over. RRBs/RRCs will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage. Only one ONLINE Registration is permitted through one mobile number and one email ID under this CEN.
  • Applications are to be submitted ONLINE only through the link provided on RRB websites ONLY listed at Para 21.0 (A) of this CEN. ONLY one application is required to be submitted to the selected Railway for all its notified posts in this CEN. Candidates can apply to only one Railway. Application to more than one Railway will lead to rejection of all the applications. Any attempt to submit more than one application by a candidate against this CEN shall result in disqualification and debarment.
  • Candidates are required to go through the Post Parameter table and Vacancy table of this detailed CEN 08/2024 to ascertain their eligibility before applying through online mode. Only thereafter the candidates should exercise options for the Railways and post(s) within the Railway chosen as per their eligibility. The selection of Railway once exercised shall be final.
  • Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE Candidates need NOT send printouts of application or Certificates or copies to RRBs concerned by post. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith. Candidates can modify the application particulars except Railway chosen, Email ID and Mobile Number, even after submission of application, but within the last date of modification window for correction in applications, by paying modification fee. However, after last date of modification window for correction in applications (06.03.2025), RRBs shall not entertain any representation for modification of the information furnished in the application.
  • Medical Fitness: Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the prescribed Medical Standards for the post(s) they are opting It is to be noted by the candidates that in case the candidate is found to be medically unsuitable for the opted post(s) at the time of appointment, alternative appointment shall not be given.

Age Limit as on 01.01.2025.

The lower and upper age limits prescribed are indicated at Para 5.1 with relevant upper age relaxation.

  • Crucial date for claim of SC/ ST/ OBC/ EWS/EBC status or any other benefit viz. fee concession, reservation, age relaxation, , where not specified otherwise, will be the closing date for submission of ONLINE applications against this CEN.
  • Center/City allocation for CBT/PET will depend upon technical and logistical Candidates may have to travel to other Cities/States for attending CBT/PET. Request for Change of Exam Centre shall NOT be allowed under any circumstance.
  • During the ONLINE APPLICATION, candidates will be asked to Create an Account. If a candidate has already Created an Account for any Indian Railways CEN of 2024, they should use same account credentials to log in and apply for this CEN (i.e. CEN 08/2024) as well. If the candidate has not Created an Account, he must first ‘Create an Account’ before proceeding to fill up the application for this CEN. Candidates are advised to fill in the details required for account creation with utmost care, as corrections of any kind will NOT be permitted once the account is created. Details filled in the ’Create an Account’ form (including mobile number and Email ID) cannot be modified at any stage once the account is created. Candidates are advised, in their own interest to authenticate their identity using Aadhar during the “Create an Account” stage. If they missed this stage, they can still authenticate during the online application process by using the “Verify Aadhar" facility and providing their Aadhar details. This action needs to be done any time before final submission of application. This will facilitate a smoother process at different stages of recruitment for the candidates themselves.
  • After the submission of the ONLINE application (complete in all respects), if a candidate wishes to further modify, change or correct any detail except details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including Email ID and mobile number) and Chosen Railway, he/she may do so by paying a modification fee of 250/-(non-refundable) for each occasion from 25.02.2025 to 06.03.2025 (23:59 hours). Details filled in ‘Create an Account’ form (including Email ID and mobile number) and Chosen Railway cannot be changed.
  • After 06.03.2025, RRBs shall not entertain any representation for modification of the information furnished in the application.
  • To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to register and submit ONLINE application much before the closing date since there may be a possibility of inability/failure to log on to the website of RRB concerned on account of heavy load on the internet or website during last days of online registration.

Helpline for candidates: For any queries related to submission of online application. (10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on all working days)

Email: rrb.help@csc.gov.in

Phone: 0172-565-3333 and 9592001188

RRBs shall not be responsible if candidates are not able to submit their ONLINE application within the last date for any reason whatsoever.


  • Malpractices: Any candidate found using unfair means of any kind in the examination/CBT, sending someone else in his/her place to appear in the examination, attempt to impersonate will be debarred from appearing in all the examinations of all the RRBs/RRCs for lifetime. He/she will also be debarred from getting any appointment in the Railways, and if already appointed, will be dismissed from service. Such candidates are liable for legal prosecution also. [Attention is drawn to Act “THE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS” (PREVENTION OF UNFAIR MEANS) BILL, 2024 effective from 21.06.2024, available on sansad.in>legislation>bills and Gazette of India also available on dopt.gov.in/whats-new]
  • Banned items: Electronic gadgets like Mobile phones, Bluetooth, pen drive, laptops, calculators, wrist watches or any other communication devices or pen/pencil, wallet/purses, shoes, belts and metallic wears including ornaments are strictly NOT allowed inside the exam hall. Any infringement of this instruction shall entail summary rejection besides legal action including debarment from future examinations. Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones etc. to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safe keeping cannot be assured.
  • Stages of Exam: The exam shall be a single stage Computer Based Test (CBT). Railway Administration however reserves the right to conduct the CBT in either single or multi stage mode. Candidates qualifying in the CBT shall have to undergo Physical Efficiency Test (PET). It will be followed by Document Verification and Medical Examination.
  • Call Letters: Candidates will have to download the City and Date Intimations, e- Call Letters and Travel Authority (wherever applicable) from the links provided on the official websites of RRBs/RRCs.
  • Normalization of Marks: Marks will be normalized for all the stages of exam involving multiple sessions
  • Short Listing for PET: Railway/RRC wise short listing of candidates for PET shall be done at the rate of three times of the vacancies (may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Railway Administration). The short listing for PET will be based on the merit of the candidates in the CBT. Marks will be normalized for CBT involving multiple sessions.
  • Shortlisting of candidates for DV and Medical Examination shall be done Railway/RRC wise at the rate of 1:1 of the vacancies for that Railway/RRC, which shall be based on their merit in CBT and qualification in The shortlisted candidates for DV shall be informed through official RRC websites as well as via SMS and email (to their registered mobile number and email ID) to download their E- call letters for appearing in DV.
  • Negative Marking: There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in the 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Calling of candidates more than number of vacancies: Candidates more than the prescribed number of vacancies may be called for PET and/or the subsequent This is to take care of candidates not turning up and similar exigencies in the recruitment process. It may clearly be noted that calling for and qualifying in PET and subsequent stages of DV and Medical Examination does not mean that candidate will be empaneled or that he/she deserves a vested right to be considered for appointment by Railways.
  • The Post Parameters (Qualification, Medical Standard and Suitability of the post for PwBD etc.) of various posts are included in this CEN at Annexure A.
  • The Railway and post wise vacancies for all the notified posts including reservation of vacancies for SC, ST, OBC (Non creamy layer), EWS, ExSM, CCAA and PwBD are at Annexure B.
  • Candidates may please note that these vacancies may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Railway Administration (Please refer Para 1.11 of General Instructions).

Candidates called for DV will have to pass requisite medical fitness test(s) conducted by the Railway Administration to ensure that the candidates are medically fit to carry out the duties connected with the post(s) opted by them. Visual Acuity Standard is one of the important criteria of medical fitness of Railway staff. The medical requirements against different medical standards for different categories are outlined below:




 1  A-2 Physically fit in all respects Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 without glasses (no fogging test) Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 without glasses and Must pass tests for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic vision etc.
 2  A-3 Physically fit in all respects  

Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/9 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 2D).

Near Vision: Sn: 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses and must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision, Mesopic vision etc.








Physically fit in all respects

Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D),

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and

Must pass test for Colour Vision, Binocular Vision, Night Vision,

Mesopic vision etc.








Physically fit in all respects

Distant Vision: 6/9, 6/12 with or without glasses (power of lenses not to exceed 4D).

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required and

Must pass test for Binocular Vision etc.





Physically fit  in  all


Distant Vision: 6/12, 6/18 with or without glasses.

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6, 0.6 with or without glasses when reading or close work is required.





Physically fit in all respects

Distant Vision: 6/12, NIL with or without glasses.

Near Vision: Sn. 0.6 combined with or without glasses where reading or close work is required.


Note: The above medical standards are indicative and not exhaustive and apply to candidates in general. The candidates are advised to read Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical Manual Vol.-I which can be accessed at www.indianrailways.gov.in. Candidates who have undergone Lasik surgery or any other surgery procedure to correct refractory error are not eligible for the post having Medical Standards A-2 & A-3. However, candidate with LASIK Surgery may be eligible for Medical Standard B-1, B-2, C-1 and C-2 subject to the following criteria being met: 1) No complications related to LASIK Surgery are observed in the Candidate. 2) LASIK Surgery should be at least of one year duration and the same should be substantiated with a medical certificate issued by the specialist of the Institution where Surgery was performed. 3) “Residual Corneal Thickness” post LASIK Surgery should not be less than 425 microns on Pachymetry. 4) The visual acuity as per Para 512(1) (A) of IRMM, Vol.-I, Third Edition 2000. 5) Fundus should be normal. 6) No evidence of progressive Eye disease.

Different Medical standards shall apply to Ex-Servicemen as detailed in Para 534 of Indian Railway Medical Manual (IRMM) Volume I, which may be accessed at www.indianrailways.gov.in.

Medical Standard for PwBD as detailed in Para 511 (7) of Indian Railway Medical Manual (IRMM) Volume I, which may be accessed at www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/codesmanual/MMVol- I/chapter5.pdf

Candidates are advised to ensure that they are eligible as per the medical standards for the post(s) opted by them. In case of failure of the candidate to pass the prescribed medical fitness for the opted posts, he/she will not be considered for empanelment for that post and alternate appointment shall not be provided.

The above medical standards are indicative and not exhaustive and apply to candidates in general. The candidates are advised to read Chapter 5 of Indian Railway Medical Manual Vol.-I which can also be accessed at www.indianrailways.gov.in.


Candidates are advised to ensure that they are eligible as per the medical standards for the posts opted by them. Candidates found medically unsuitable for the applied post(s) shall not be given any alternative appointment. Those who are opting for A2 medical standard posts may note that these posts have stringent medical standard and hence they are specifically advised to ensure that their fitness both in terms of vision as well as physical standards is as per the prescribed requirements in the medical manual indicated above.


  • A candidate must be either:
    1. a citizen of India, or
    2. a citizen of Nepal, or
    3. a subject of Bhutan, or
    4. a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
    5. a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.
    6. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India.
  • A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be admitted to the examination but the offer of appointment may be given only after the necessary eligibility certificate has been issued to him by the Government of India.



Prescribed age in normal

course (as on 01.01.2025)

Age as applicable to this CEN

(as on 01.01.2025)


18 to 33 years

18 to 36 years


*To provide relief to many candidates who may have exceeded the age limit and missed the opportunity to participate in Railway recruitment due to the Covid -19 pandemic, it has been decided to grant a one-time age relaxation of 3 years beyond the prescribed upper age limit for the posts in Level-1.

The relaxation in upper age limit / maximum upper age for the following categories/communities in the table below is applicable subject to submission of requisite certificates.






OBC-Non Creamy Layer(NCL)

3 Years



5 Years






Ex-servicemen with at least 6 months service after attestation


3 years (after deduction of length of service from



6 years (after deduction of length of service from



8 years (after deduction of length of service from



Persons         with         Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)


10 Years


13 Years


15 Years



Candidates who are serving Group 'C' and erstwhile Group 'D' Railway Staff, Casual Labour and Substitutes and have put in minimum  3  years  of service (continuous or in broken spells).


40 Years of age


43 Years of age




45 Years of age



Candidates who are working in Quasi- Administrative offices of the Railway organization such as Railway Canteens, Co-

operative Societies and Institutes.


Up to the length of service rendered or 5 years whichever is less







Course            Completed           Act Apprentices applying for the posts for which minimum qualification is ITI/Course Completed Act Apprenticeship.



Shall be relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training  undergone  by  them  under  the

Apprentice Act 1961. (Maximum 3 years)




Shall be relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice Act 1961. (Maximum 6 years inclusive  of  age  relaxation for  OBC-  NCL




Shall be relaxed to the extent of Apprentice Training undergone by them under the Apprentice  Act  1961.  (Maximum  8  years

inclusive of age relaxation for SC/ST category)






Candidates (canteen staff of MB Division NR) for compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated: - 12.07.2016 in Review Petition (Civil) Nos. 1954-1955 of 2016 in Civil Appeal Nos. 5874-5875 of 2015 titled as Mohan Singh & others V/s Chairman, Railway Board & others, Judgement dated 03.08.2015 passed  by  Hon’ble  Supreme  Court,  New





5 years (After deduction of length of service from age) Maximum age up to 60 years


Date of birth of candidates should be between the dates given below (both dates inclusive):





Upper limit of Date of Birth

(Not earlier than)

Lower limit of Date of Birth

(Not later than)

Candidates belonging to communities /categories in the table at para 5.1 shall be eligible for age relaxation as applicable. Note - The date of birth limits for SC/ST & OBC- NCL given in this table includes community age relaxation.





18 to 36



Creamy Layer


For all communities /










  • If a candidate is eligible for relaxation of age on more than one ground, he/she would be accorded the highest of the age relaxations (not cumulative) for which he/she is eligible.
  • No age relaxation is allowed to SC/ST/OBC-NCL (Non-Creamy Layer)/EWS candidates applying against unreserved vacancies.
  • PwBD candidates applying against UR vacancies will be allowed age relaxation applicable for UR PwBD only.
  • IMPORTANT: Candidates should note that the date of birth filled in the application should be same as recorded in the Matriculation /SSLC or an equivalent No subsequent request for its change will be considered. Any difference in the date of birth will lead to disqualification of the candidate.
  • Age relaxation to PwBD and ExSM candidates will be as given in para 1.


Please see Annexure-A for the prescribed qualifications for each post.

  • Candidates must already have the Educational/Technical qualifications prescribed in the CEN from recognized Institute/University as on the last date (i.e. 22.02.2025) for submission of ONLINE application.
  • Those awaiting results of their final examination of the prescribed minimum educational/technical qualification SHOULD NOT apply
  • Diploma /Degree in Engineering will not be accepted in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprentices/ITI for the post of Level-1 unless otherwise specified. Graduate Act apprentice will not be accepted in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprenticeship (CCAA).
  • In compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 12.07.2016 in Review Petition (Civil) Nos. 1954-1955 of 2016 in civil Appeal Nos. 5874-5875 of 2015 titled as Mohan Singh & others v/s Chairman, Railway Board & others, Judgement dated 03.08.2015 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court, New Delhi; canteen staff of MB Division NR are allowed to apply against this CEN. Giving weightage to work experience of these staff, their Education Qualification is relaxed. Minimum Education Qualification should be class-VII pass

RRB GROUP-D నోటిఫికేషన్... రైల్వే లో 32438 పోస్టుల భర్తీకి నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల

రైల్వే రిక్రూట్‌మెంట్ బోర్డ్ (RRB) 58 వేల 242 గ్రూప్- డి పోస్టుల భర్తీకి నోటిఫికేషన్‌ విడుదల చేసింది.

ఆన్‌లైన్ దరఖాస్తుల ప్రక్రియ 2025, జనవరి 23 నుండి ప్రారంభమవుతుంది.

అర్హత, ఆసక్తి గల అభ్యర్థులు ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవచ్చు.

కంప్యూటర్ ఆధారిత పరీక్ష, ఫిజికల్ ఎఫిషియన్సీ టెస్ట్, డాక్యుమెంట్ వెరిఫికేషన్‌, మెడికల్ టెస్ట్ ఆధారంగా అభ్యర్థుల ఎంపిక ఉంటుంది.

కంప్యూటర్ ఆధారిత పరీక్షలో అర్హత సాధించిన అభ్యర్థులు తదుపరి ప్రక్రియకు పిలవబడతారు. ఈ విషయాన్ని అభ్యర్థులు గుర్తుంచుకోవాలి.

మొత్తం ఖాళీలు: 32438

విభాగాల వారీగా పోస్టులు:

  • పాయింట్స్మన్- 5,058
  • అసిస్టెంట్ (ట్రాక్ మెషిన్) - 799
  • అసిస్టెంట్ (బ్రిడ్జ్)- 301
  • ట్రాక్ మెయింటెయినర్ గ్రూప్-4 - 13,187
  • అసిస్టెంట్ పీ-వే- 247
  • అసిస్టెంట్ (సీ అండ్ డబ్ల్యూ)- 2587
  • అసిస్టెంట్ లోకో షెడ్ (డిజిల్)- 420
  • అసిస్టెంట్ (వర్క్షాప్)- 3077
  • అసిస్టెంట్ (ఎస్ అండ్ టీ)- 2012
  • అసిస్టెంట్ టీఆర్డీ- 1381
  • అసిస్టెంట్ లోకో షెడ్ (ఎలక్ట్రికల్)- 950
  • అసిస్టెంట్ ఆపరేషన్స్- (ఎలక్ట్రికల్)- 744
  • అసిస్టెంట్ టీఎల్ అండ్ ఏసీ- 1041
  • అసిస్టెంట్ టీఎల్ అండ్ ఏసీ (వర్క్షాప్)- 625

విద్యార్హతలు: అభ్యర్థి తప్పనిసరిగా 10వ తరగతి విద్యార్హత మరియు NCVT నుండి నేషనల్ అప్రెంటిస్‌షిప్ సర్టిఫికేట్ (NAC) కలిగి ఉండాలి. ఐటీఐ ఉత్తీర్ణులైన అభ్యర్థులు కూడా అర్హులు.

వయో పరిమితి: జూలై 1, 2025 నాటికి 18 మరియు 26 సంవత్సరాల మధ్య ఉండాలి. RRB నిబంధనల ప్రకారం వయో సడలింపు ఉంటుంది.

దరఖాస్తు చేయు విధానం: ఆసక్తి, అర్హత గల అభ్యర్థులు తమ దరఖాస్తు ఫారమ్‌లను ఆన్‌లైన్ లో సమర్పించలి. ఆన్‌లైన్ అప్లికేషన్‌ల లింక్ RRBల అధికారిక వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో అందుబాటులో ఉంటుంది.

దరఖాస్తు ఫీజు:

జనరల్, OBC, EWS: రూ 500/- SC, ST, PH: రూ. 250/- అన్ని కేటగిరీ స్త్రీలు: రూ 250/- (స్టేజ్ I పరీక్షకు హాజరైన తరువాత అభ్యర్థులు చెల్లించిన ఫీజు వాపసు చేస్తారు)

ఎంపిక విధానం

కంప్యూటర్ ఆధారిత పరీక్ష (CBT) ఫిజికల్ ఎఫిషియెన్సీ టెస్ట్ (PET) డాక్యుమెంట్ వెరిఫికేషన్ (DV) మెడికల్ టెస్ట్

పరీక్షా విధానం:

రిక్రూట్‌మెంట్ ప్రక్రియలో మొదట కంప్యూటర్ ఆధారిత పరీక్షలో ఉతీర్ణులు అవ్వాలి.

జనరల్ సైన్స్: 25 ప్రశ్నలు

గణితం: 25 ప్రశ్నలు

జనరల్ ఇంటెలిజెన్స్ & రీజనింగ్: 30 ప్రశ్నలు

జనరల్ అవేర్‌నెస్: 20 ప్రశ్నలు (తప్పు సమాధానాలకు 1/3 మార్కు కోత)

మరిన్ని పూర్తి వివరాల కోసం అభ్యర్థులు RRB అధికారిక వెబ్‌సైట్‌ను సందర్శించగలరు.

ముఖ్య తేదీలు:

నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల తేదీ: 28-12-2024.

నోటిఫికేషన్ జారి తేదీ: 22.01.2025.

ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు ప్రారంభం: 23.01.2025.

ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తుకు చివరి తేదీ: 22-02- 2025.

దరఖాస్తుల సవరణకు తేదీలు: ఫిబ్రవరి 25 నుంచి మార్చి 6 వరకు.


  • దేశ వ్యాప్తంగా అన్ని రైల్వే జోన్లలో మొత్తం 32,438 గ్రూప్-డి ఖాళీలను రైల్వే రిక్రూట్మెంట్ బోర్డు భర్తీ చేస్తోంది.
  • ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తు ప్రక్రియ జనవరి 23న ప్రారంభమై ఫిబ్రవరి 22వ తేదీన ముగుస్తుంది.


  • Candidates should apply only through ONLINE mode through any of the official websites of the RRBs. Multiple applications by a candidate will lead to rejection of all the applications and
  • The recruitment process shall comprise of the following stages:
    • Computer Based Tests (CBT)
    • Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
    • Document Verification (DV) and
    • Medical Examination (ME)
  • Information of date of CBT, PET, DV, ME or any other additional activities will be given to eligible candidates in due course through RRB/ RRC websites, SMS and email.
  • Request for postponement of any of the stages or for change of venue, date and shift will not be entertained under any circumstance.

Computer Based Test (CBT)

All the eligible candidates have to undergo a Computer Based Test(s) on the specified date(s), time and venue(s) as per the e-call letter to be downloaded by the candidates from the websites of RRBs/RRCs. The information about the e-call letter download shall be communicated through the websites as well as registered email ID of the candidates.

The examination duration and number of questions for CBT are indicated below:


Exam Duration in Minutes

No of Questions (each of 1 mark) from


Total No of Questions

General Science

Mathema tics

General Intelligence and Reasoning

General Awareness and Current Affairs








*The examination duration will be 120 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe.

The section wise distribution given in the above table is only indicative and there may be some variation in the actual question paper. There will be negative marking and 1/3 marks shall be deducted for each wrong answer.

Minimum percentage of marks for shortlisting in various communities: UR-40%, EWS-40%, OBC (Non creamy layer)-30%, SC-30%, ST-30%. These percentage of marks for eligibility may be relaxed by 2 marks for PwBD candidates in case of shortage of PwBD candidates against vacancies reserved for them.

Where a second stage CBT is deemed necessary and held, the Railway Administration reserves the right to treat the first stage CBT as a qualifying test for the purpose of short listing of reasonable number of candidates for the second stage.

Question Type and Syllabus:

The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices and are likely to include questions pertaining to:

  1. Mathematics Number system, BODMAS, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportion, Percentages, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, Square root, Age Calculations, Calendar & Clock, Pipes & Cistern etc.

General Intelligence and reasoning

Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical Reasoning, Classification, Directions, Statement – Arguments and Assumptions etc.

General Science

The syllabus under this shall cover Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences of 10th standard level (CBSE).

General Awareness on current affairs in Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics and any other subject of importance.

It may be noted that the topics listed above are illustrative and not necessarily exhaustive.

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